Thursday, July 10, 2008

Update and New Pictures

Here is the update we received on Monday!

His new measurement: Height:94cm,

Weight: 15kg(33 pounds), weighs a pound more than little j. and she will be 5 in Oct and he turns 3 on the 30th of July

20 Teeth

Foot length: 15cm. Same as little j.

His cleft lips have been repaired. His cleft palate doesn't be repaired yet. He is very healthy. Sometimes he had cough and he seldom gets sick. His development in all area is normal. His back has birth marks.

He can write characters with left or right hand. He can pick up foods with chopsticks. He is potty trained or sitting on baby potty. He can climb up to 5th floor without holding onto the handrail in short time. He can run, kick balls, he knows to run first before kicking the ball. He can jump off the high chair. He knows to do everything in order. He knows to clean up his toys after he finishes playing. He helps out chores for his foster mom. He can go to Bakery Store to buy things by himself. He knows to take care of his foster mom by asking her to walk at the side roads. His language made great progress. He can express himself, and asks about questions. He can recite many children's songs. Every night, he is willing to watch English VCD by himself. He is outgoing and active. He seldom gets mad. He seldom cries. Sometimes when he is unhappy, you just ignore him, he will be fine in short time. He is fond of playing seek-and-found games, playing soccer with older kids. He likes shopping. We didn't find that he is afraid of anything yet.

He has a routine . He gets up between 6:30am to 7:00am. After he gets up, he drinks milk with rice cereal. He has breakfast between 8:30am to 9:00am with noodles, steamed bun with fillings; He eats lunch at 12:00pm. Takes nap from 13:00pm to 15:30PM. After he gets up from the nap, at 16:00pm he eats one steamed egg or cake, green bean soup, 18:00pm dinner, 21:30pm goes to bed. He needs drink milk with rice cereal before he goes to bed. His favorite food is fish and pork. He doesn't like greens very much. The only fruit that he eats is watermelon. The favorite snack is chocolate.

He has a sound sleep. He likes sleeping on his back. He sleeps with the foster mom on a big bed. He pees at 23:00pm. He doesn't need to get up in the mid of night. He knows to control his urine and stool. He knows to go potty by himself.”

We have asked a few more questions and hoping to get the answers very soon.


Carolin said...

Oh my goodness Cindy, don't those translations just crack you up sometimes? We still laugh about Emma's saying she "shows strong preference" ... ummm hmmm. And also that she liked "biscuits". We didn't understand why she didn't seem to like bread with us until we learned that the translation for the bicuits was more like an animal cracker.

This is the one that really surprised me though "He can go to Bakery Store to buy things by himself. " !!!

Anyway, thanks for posting the news - I know you guys can't wait to get your hands on him and know the Hunter family knows we can welcome him with chocolate.

Blessings to you & yours!

Buffi Young said...

What GREAT NEWS!!! Yes...the translations are very funny. What was interesting to us on ours...they said Sadie didn't talk very much...and OH MY GOODNESS...I don't think she stops!!! Ryan seems like a wonderful boy. I look forward to the day when you guys meet him!!!

Amanda said...

hi!! i found you through the Young's. My daughter (in Guatemala) had a cleft lip and pallet as well. Do you know how many more surgeries he will have to have?