Monday, August 18, 2008

Our first night

Well, it went pretty well considering what he has been through the last 24 hours. He did much better yesterday afternoon. We all got ready for bed but he would not lay down. He would not get in our bed. He did go to the couch and it was only a few minutes he started to cry and I mean LOUD! I tried to comfort him, J. tried to comfort him but he just needed to cry. So we let him. He cried loud and hard for less than five minutes then he was done. He still would not come to either of us. Then he got on the floor and went to sleep. I tried to put him in bed and he started to cry. If I left him alone, he would sleep soooo I let him be. He slept all night. He is only hitting when he wants attention, which is something we can handle. He is very happy and comes to me when he needs me. I love it!!!
The bath this morning went all right. It could have gone better. He fell in the bathtub. The good news, he let me hold him for about 15 minutes wrapped in a towel and blanket!
We did see his cleft palate last night when we brushed his teeth. It is biggggg. It is amazing how he eats and talks. He is very vocal and he does a great job repeating everything we say to him. I can't wait to hear him!
Well enough for this morning. We become official today at 9 AM!!! And then off to do some shopping!!!
Hugs to all and thank you so much for your prayers. Ryan David is amazing and we are so thrilled to have him apart of our family!!!


Mom 2 six said...

What a blessing !
He is so cute and I am glad things are going pretty well.

Betsy said...

So happy to hear that he is with his family. Hope the rest of the trip goes great - emjoy!
Betsy (from Autumn Families)

Christy said...

Just came from out of town (where I didn't have a computer). I was so anxious to see your son with his family :)!! He's so precious, just too cute for words. Your courage shines through your posts. I can't wait to follow the rest of your journey.


mom to Mia, Ava and Kai

Nikki said...

Congratulations!! I love the picture of Pu lovin' on his sweet!! He is adorable. I can't wait to follow your blog for the next 2 weeks!! :)
Nikki (Emy's mom)

David said...

I just wanted to say hi and let you all know that you all are in our hearts and prayers. I'll see you when you get back.
Daivd Wix

P.S. Bring back some tea.LOL